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Transfer Any files to your Android Smart TV, simply

SFTTV is a simple application to connect your Smart Tv android, your android mobile device and your personal computer.

It allows you to fastly and easily transfer your movies, tv shows, torrents or ANY files between these devices through your local network without any limitations.

No Internet required.

google play badge
Microsoft badge
Mac store badge

Device to device

SFTTV is designed to be simple.

The application discover automagically other devices on the local network with SFTTV installed

devices boc

High speed

Transfer large files in record time. SFTTV is faster than Bluetooth. SFTTV is the fastest and most private way to send files to your TV

High speed box

Cross platform

SFTTV runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Files can easily be transferred between machines running different operating systems.

In order to use SFTTV on your local network, you will need to install the android application on your TV and on each device that you wish to use for transferring files.

SFTTV has a really easy to use user interface !

Operating system box




Windows logo
Apple logo

Desktop application

(not available yet)



Why donate ?

Hi, I am Yablio, I'm an independent developer.

I develop applications and games on android TV and mobile. I want to continue developing app full time and release a lot of apps on these platforms. I want to do a lot, especially for android TV users, to help the community to enjoy useful tools and entertainment apps on their TV. But it cost money to make this reality. Hundreds hours have already been spent for, and as much as I try, I do not make enough in revenue from ads to continue paying as much as I should. Also as a UI/UX designer I want to ban these awful and unfriendly ads in my apps.

I'd love to have these projects be a full-time job and may be expand projects to include more developers, but, as I said, money is an issue for this to be a thing.

It is specially true about the send files to tv desktop applications version. If you'd like to help out my cause, or you just enjoy what I offer, please donate.


One-time or recurring payments


Recurring payments



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